
Today we spent the entire day visiting a variety of sites around Cairo.  We began with the Egyptian Museum which contains the historic treasures of Egypt.  We learned a little about the history of the various kingdoms and dynasties.  It was impressive to learn that some of what we were seeing was over 4500 years old.  Some of it is in amazing condition.

Among the treasures we saw were the tomb treasures of Yura and Thuya who were the grandparents of Tutankhamen (if I remember correctly).  Incredible richness.  The tomb was found largely intact.  We then moved into the treasures of Tutankhamen.  I commented to someone that if the idea was to overwhelm what the impressiveness of the riches.  It worked.  It became almost too much to take it all in.

We then had lunch at a local restaurant that caters to tour groups.  A great buffet.

We learned that there are four stages in the history of Cairo.  We spent some time in Old Cairo which has Coptic/Christian roots.  Saw a Coptic church built over an ancient Roman tour.  It is called the hanging church because it is not built on a foundation rooted in the ground.  Pretty interesting.
 We also saw a church that is on a site said to be where Mary, Joseph and Jesus stayed during their flight into Egypt.
 We also visited a Jewish synagogue. They said there are almost no native Jews still living in Egypt.  Just two families and the youngest is 68.

We ended the day with Mass at the Franciscan sisters and then back to the hotel for dinner.  I am exhausted and planning to turn in soon.

Tomorrow is a big day.  We spend the day at the Pyramids and some other temples and funerary sites in the area.  We’ll not only see the Great Pyramid but the oldest one as well, called the step pyramid.  I am excited and want to get some rest.

I’ll try to add some pictures tomorrow.


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