
Showing posts from May, 2008

The Marvel

On Monday, four intrepid pilgrims left Leuven early in the morning (5 a.m.) to visit Mont St. Michel in northern France. We had rented a vehicle and set out on what was to be a 6 hour journey to our destination. All of us had heard of the Mont and all were excited to visit. Two of our number, both Australians and therefore used to driving on the "wrong" side of the road, shared driving duties. Except for a brief momentary lapse in the first moments of the trip they did exceptionally well. Since the vehicle was standard transmission I did not feel comfortable driving myself and so was grateful for their willingness. We started out following GPS directions which stopped just a half hour into the journey. Luckily, we also had printed off Google Map directions. At one point we got off course but that was quickly corrected. Considering that none of us was familiar with the route I felt we did pretty well. We arrived around noon and spent the next couple of hours exploring

More Comings and Goings

No wonder I feel worn out. As I reflect on the last weeks I realize how much we have done. The Sedes Sapientae program here is an intensive two week renewal course. The sabbatical students were able to participate in all of the activities and most of us took part in the majority of them. Included were both classes and opportunities to travel. After our trip to Maastricht a week ago Saturday a group of us went to the opera in Liege. We saw Maria Stuarda by Donezetti (for those of you who are opera lovers). Unfortunately the soprano singing Elizabeth I was ill so a portion was left out in which she figures prominently. One of the other cast members sang her part in the wonderful "Confrontation Scene" which closes the first act. On Monday we went to Antwerp. It was a civil holiday (Pentecost Monday) so most shops were closed but we were able to see some churches, the harbor and many other sites. It was an interesting visit. The picture is from a fountain in the main sq

A Busy Week

It seems that as the end draws near time is flying faster than ever. We have had a busy two weeks with participation in the Sedes Sapentiae program here at the American College. It is designed as a two week rather intensive series of talks and experiences designed as a way of updating oneself in various contemporary themes in theology. The speakers, from the Catholic University of Leuven, have been excellent. This semester they are all professors that we did not have an opportunity to take class from. They are considered some of the best theologians in the faculty so it has been really interesting to hear what they have to say. Last week we heard presentations by Jack Dick, an American who also works at the College on the religious reality of Beligum as well as some thoughts on the political background of what we are hearing in the news. Then Martin Stone presented an overview of the history of the University and some of the contributions made by the theologians who taught here.

Entering the Final Stretch

I made it back from Paris. Only three weeks left of my sabbatical. It has been great but, of course, I would love more time. I spoke with the Bishop a couple weeks ago and wanted to ask for another two months but thought I better not press my luck. After a long, dreary winter spring is finally here. Temperatures in the 70's and lots of new life. This is the view from my window today. Compare it to one of my first posts and you will see the difference. But, back to Paris! I was disappointed to discover along the way that the batteries for my camera were not charged so I was not able to take any new pictures. What you see here are from my Easter time in Paris. After the first few days of rain the weather changed and the last several days were quite beautiful. I am glad that I rearranged my schedule a bit to leave some of the more outdoor things to the end of the stay. In my last post I mentioned that I had gone to the Medieval Museum of Cluny. Included were some stained