On our last day in Matamba we visited the classrooms and recorded each class signing a song for the St. Mary's students. I am having trouble uploading video but I think that after this weekend there should be some available on the St. Mary's School, Owatonna, website.
This is the mountain road to the village. Not even the steepest part.

We headed back toward Dar es Salaam with an overnight in Morogoro. Along the way we finally had a chance to meet Bishop Alfred who was on his way back to Njombe. We had a nice visit and dinner with him. Here he is with Denny and I. We stayed at a very nice religious conference center. We arrived really late at night (around 11 p.m.) but were able to rouse someone to let us in to our rooms. The next morning we slept in a little and then tried to find an internet cafe. No internet service available. That seemed like a pretty common occurance. Either electricity or internet (or both) seemed to be down. The morning we left Matamba there was neither internet nor phone service. It can feel pretty remote at times.
Along our way back we saw a sisal farm which is used for the mats. Here are scenes from a market and one which shows a pretty typical view of the roadside in most towns or villages.

This is a market in one of the towns we went through and below is the view along the road we travelled.
We arrived back in Dar es Salaam and headed to the place we had stayed on our arrival. We made our way back into the city to look for some things to bring back. I got some fabric that I will make into a table cloth and one we may be able to use in church.
We had dinner at a seaside restaurant overlooking the Indian Ocean. It was a great way to end the trip. We showered back at the residence and then made our way to the airport. Twenty four hours later we were home.
Thanks to Denny's wife Margie for picking us up.