The Marvel

On Monday, four intrepid pilgrims left Leuven early in the morning (5 a.m.) to visit Mont St. Michel in northern France. We had rented a vehicle and set out on what was to be a 6 hour journey to our destination. All of us had heard of the Mont and all were excited to visit. Two of our number, both Australians and therefore used to driving on the "wrong" side of the road, shared driving duties. Except for a brief momentary lapse in the first moments of the trip they did exceptionally well. Since the vehicle was standard transmission I did not feel comfortable driving myself and so was grateful for their willingness. We started out following GPS directions which stopped just a half hour into the journey. Luckily, we also had printed off Google Map directions. At one point we got off course but that was quickly corrected. Considering that none of us was familiar with the route I felt we did pretty well. We arrived around noon and spent the next couple of hours exploring...