A Couple of Day Trips around Leuven

This Sunday we heard the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Knowing that, I was intriqued by this beautiful pulpit we saw in the Church of St. Gertrude in Nivelles. The original church was built in the 11th century and underwent a series of renovations over the years. The most recent restored it to its (more or less) original Romanesque qualities. It was quite austere but beautiful in its own way. I had been noting the magnificent carved pulpits in almost every church we've seen. On our tour of Brussels two weeks ago we learned that this was a response to the Protestant reformation's emphasis on Scripture alone and the critique many were making that the Catholic Church had abandoned the Scriptures. These incredible pulpits were to show that the Scriptures held an important place in Catholic thought and worship. The base and crown of this pulpit are marble and the rest carved wood. After Nivelle we went to the battlefield at Waterloo. As with so many battlefie...